Coding Languages

Coding languages are a universal programming language that lets computers process information and execute command. Every app, website and device with an operating system that runs on code. Professionals generally prefer certain coding languages for specific projects despite the fact that there are hundreds. For example web developers typically begin with HTML and JavaScript while those who wish to work as data analysts or programmers employ Python.

Certain coding languages have distinct characteristics. For instance they can manipulate data in an adaptable and flexible way. Certain languages provide a more systematic and structured approach to programming. Programmers should also consider what type of project they would prefer to tackle, and the reason they began coding. JavaScript and CSS are excellent choices for those who are focused on front-end web development while Python and Ruby are more appropriate for those who prefer back-end programming.

During the 1980s, there was a period of relative consolidation for programming languages as developers standardized certain paradigms. C++ combined object directed and systems programming. Pascal was a language for education that relied on keywords instead of symbols and braces to simplify programming for those who are new to programming. Fortran is a common number crunching program, was developed to aid scientists. Other notable languages include COBOL that was used to develop the UNIX operating system as well as B, which was developed for use in scientific computing.

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